
Ok so I had planned to go to Santa Fe. Here is the problem sometimes when you come up with something spontaneous you dont check dates. Anyway one of the biggest weekends of the year in Santa Fe is the “Indian market”  I blew it. Oh and they canceled my rafting trip.  Thanks travel insurance. So what does that mean.  Well since my hope was to get away going to a town that swells to 100,000 people plus exhibits doesnt really appeal to me.  Question to anyone out there. How would you like a house guest for 3 nights.  Aug 21-24. I’ll stay out of your way.  I need an unfamiliar place.  Let me know.  Its very sad. My cry for help.

Just got asked

Here is the question “you came to the movies by yourself?”. I answer “yes” then I get “guess you ain’t talking to anyone”. Well what am I going to say to that. It will be good. Oh and for the record the first time I came to sees this movie I wasn’t alone. I’m in dark knight oh gotto go it’s about to start.

Words that make my skin crawl


Sweet spot

Embrace technology





3rd world

Job description and or title

the phrase “Is that the rebel?” 

heard this one yesterday “Expectant heart”

Thanks for all the responses guys. Moving on. Feel free to add to the list.


I’ll add more later.


Other added 

“I’m right where God wants me” tends to make my skin crawl. Even if its true, the semantics of it really bother me.


Words that bother me (the non-corporate version):



lather “I kinda like this one”

Home Depot

ze lawn iz now complete. When buying a weed trimmer or whacker as I like to call it. Dont buy the cheapest thing you can find. I bought this yesterday.

While the price was right I fought with getting the line to advance. Now my right finger is rubbed raw from trying to take it apart and I wasted half of my life. I went back today and thankfully the great homedepot took it back. Good store never had a problem. Oh and right behind me in the return aisle was another person returning the very same whacker. Mightylite is mighty crap. I will also be dining with my neighbor this week. Need to know those people. Ok because i cooked breakfast my kitchen is a wreak. Oh here is a vague statement for you. Sometimes it is really over. Chew on that.

New Post

Today I have a new post. I’m sitting listening to Prairie Home Companion maybe because I’m too lazy to get up.  They seem to have the same format for years. But that doesnt really matter to me I guess. I came back from South Africa refreshed and ready for the year now I dont know how else I can spend my summer unless I do one week there. Regardless I think if the Kinsleys are there or not.  I planned a trip to Albuquerque partly because Ive been watching a show taking place there and the other because I need some skymiles.  I’m going to try to go on river rafting trip while im there. Contacted some companies but I’ll take care of the details later.  Ive got to get back to school . I just realized yesterday that Im way past half way done. So I’m going to go hard at it for the next two semesters and try and finish up.  Ive been on break long enough. Oh get this the prof that I was avoiding is leaving.  it can only go up hill from there.  

Ah I feel that I must admit to something.  there has been an air of confessions lately so here is mine.  I really like Drew Barrymore movies.  And I really dont mean like a little. I like them a lot.  50 first dates and Fever pitch and Wedding singer. They’re just good.  Maybe its because we are around the same age so secretly I think we grew up together. Whew that was good to get off my chest.  Anyone else have guilty pleasure confessions.  Its very cleansing.  Look for me tomorrow when I give you my most recent one. 

Oh here is a taste from south Africa. Get jealous that I hung with Amber. 

Off I go

So I head off again to South Africa. I’m really looking forward to it.  May be the last time that I can do this. I think I may need to go back to the old vacation travel. Anyway Ive taken considerately less stuff and will leave  a lot of it there. Ive been trying to get down what a weeks worth of stuff looks like. This is a pretty short trip I think.   We’ll see how that works out.  The last two weeks have been a blur of impromptu meetings and birthday celebrations (oh by the way my b-day is on the 11. Ive celebrated in South Africa the last three years. I usually am at camp but I guess that has changed.  I also am trying to bring just one pair of shoes. Yup one pair. I do have some flip flops. I usually bring two but this time im giving my self a challenge.  I think I will mostly be documented this trip..Ive asked about who is going and do I need to round up folks etc etc.  I dont even know who has my medical forms. So we’ll see how that goes. Lets just hope no one asks me any questions other than do I need to hold on to this form.  Im not flying delta  so no miles for me. Dont know if i’ll keep my status which I only like for the free upgrades. I may make a small trip just to keep that up. Oh I think im going to go to Jamaica for a couple days to see mom then may go back to see my dad. Ah divorce is so nice.  So im off.